My Peblar charger doesn't start charging in smart solar modus

Solar charging modes

First, please check which strategy is chosen.

Fast solar

In this mode, the EV charges at the maximum available current when there's a surplus detected in the household. All the generated power is used, added with power from the grid at the maximum charging speed.

Smart solar

This strategy aligns the charger's charging power with the surplus power of the household and adds power from the grid on top

Pure solar

Charging initiates in this mode when at least 6A/1.38kW flows back into the electricity grid. The aim is to exclusively utilise solar power for vehicle charging. Due to dynamic behaviour and hysteresis incorporated into the algorithm, the charger can use a bit more or less than the available surplus solar energy.

If the charging doesn't start

When the Pure solar strategy is chosen and less than 6A/1.38kW is available, the charger doesn't charge. 

When there's no solar production (and therefore solar production surplus) at all, neither one of the three strategies will allow the Peblar charger to start a charging session. 

If you want to know more about solar charging, please read our blog.