The future of EV charging: Peblar teams up with FLEXECHARGE

8 August 2024 Peblar

In our quest to provide cutting-edge solutions for EV charging, we’ve partnered with FLEXECHARGE to leverage their innovative energy management system. This collaboration transforms how our customers manage the energy flow within their EV charging infrastructure, particularly in large-scale commercial settings. This is more than just a tech upgrade; it's a jump towards a more sustainable and electrified future.


Future-ready: our vision and goals

We set out to find a scalable solution for managing EV chargers in commercial settings. In many environments, multiple chargers operate simultaneously with various energy inputs, including solar power and battery systems. This vision drove us to find a system that would provide CPOs with insights into energy usage and facilitate the management of various AC and DC chargers.

We needed a system that was both simple to implement and compatible with a range of EV chargers. Enter FLEXECHARGE's load and energy management system, HARMON-E. The tool has broad compatibility across various systems, making it the ideal choice for our customer base to take control of their energy flow.

Image: Examples of FLEXECHARGE energy management system use cases. It demonstrates the effectiveness in different scenarios.

Image: Examples of FLEXECHARGE energy management system use cases.


EV charging insights unlocked

The HARMON-E product offers real-time insights into smart charging through a centralised data hub. This innovative system also offers:

    • Efficient energy distribution: The user can accurately allocate energy across chargers, enhancing overall efficiency
    • Grid stability: Reduces congestion and avoids peak loads through active power control and adaptive charging
    • Flexible power control: Allows for selective power distribution, optimising charger performance through priority charging. This method has been adopted in Germany in compliance with VDE-AR-N-4100 and EnWG 14a standards
    • Compatibility: The system works with various chargers, enabling simultaneous management
    • Cost savings: Optimised energy usage can cut peak-time costs and reduce installation expenses. For instance, achieving the same energy usage might require thinner cables or a lower mains connection rating

Whether a site calls for a cloud-only solution or only a local controller is needed, FLEXECHARGE software and Peblar hardware can be operated in both topologies. This gives the customer freedom of choice to apply the setup that most suits their needs.


Promoting grid stability

The system uses a standardised Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) 1.6-J to allow for selective energy distribution and independent operation of each charger. Users can set up selective power distribution, for instance configuring some chargers to full power while others run at a reduced capacity.

The scalability of the FLEXECHARGE energy management system is designed for wide-scale use cases and complex scenarios requiring varying levels of power distribution. As each charger operates independently, there's no need to interconnect chargers in a leader-follower setup. This makes it simpler to add more chargers to the system in the future. 

Integration with Peblar chargers

Integrating the system with Peblar chargers is smooth, as FLEXECHARGE uses the OCPP protocol to perform smart charging. Every instruction is sent and received by the charger seamlessly.

For Charge Point Operators (CPOs) managing multiple chargers at a single location, the FLEXECHARGE energy management system streamlines communication between the charger and the cloud solution. This creates an efficient charging ecosystem.

The combination of aesthetically designed reliable chargers and state-of-the-art load and energy management software is the perfect match. Together, we offer a cutting-edge solution for the mobility transition in the Netherlands, Germany and beyond.



Shaping the future of EV charging

This collaboration showcases our commitment to advanced, future-proofed solutions for our customers. Together, we're powering the path to a greener, more connected world - one charge at a time!

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