We’re pleased to announce the release of Firmware Update 1.7.0. This release includes new features and fixes to enhance functionality, usability, and performance.
This firmware update introduces several new features designed to enhance charger functionality and simplify user operations. Below are the highlights:
A dual dropdown list provides a complete and detailed overview of backoffices in the commissioning interface, making it easier to locate the correct backoffice during installation. SIM card settings can now be configured during
commissioning, providing greater flexibility.
The commissioning and web interface is now available in Danish.
Operation of the charger is now supported with additional Modbus meters. This support enables features like solar charging and the household power slider without the need of a smart meter.
The list of new supported Modbus meters:
The charger now resumes ongoing charging sessions after a power outage.
We recommend using the automatic update in your web interface:
If this does not apply to you, upload the update manually which is available as a download.